spring. part won.

trembling into the night

one heart beating among millions.

sprouting in season

sunlight devours fear.

spring has come.



next day.

for the cooks, in the back

for the table side visits

for the man in the chair

and the window shadows.

swaddled feet

plants push through the cracks.


11:30 am. yaletown vancouver. same skyrise.

so this is good, knowing. i love the fight, i am open with weakness.

unnaturally high, and i could fall now, which would be a beautiful feeling, its a part of flying.

but, up here, where i should be wearing wings, my legs seem to stretch all the way to the ground.

shaking with strength, they are sturdy.

if you look up at your sky

you will see him, with his legs like trees

arms outstretched.

that is an honest smile, where his mouth used to be.

its good to hug trees, they've been standing a long time and appreciate the support.

please walk on the grass.





7 am. yale town vancouver. skyrise.

where i woke up, on the couch

here in the sky

hoping, i guess, to clear the mind.

hmm. not a possibility, for i am alive.

so this is it, this is me.

here in the sky

ok, so i will admit, i drank whiskey last night

today i am softer for it.

in the clouds

softer and softer.

why i became hard.

because, i suppose, i was turned


and off

and on


softer yet.

fighting for purpose in the natural cause

that is animal, almost human.

being here, doing this, that is only human.

creatures created by a creator for creating creation


tell me, teach me.

refuse, that's how i learn.

this is not for you, not for you, not for you. its for me.

this is mine.

this is the perfect line that is life.

tell me you understand and i will call you a liar.

help yourself, i'm helping mine.

the morning glory creeps out of the once hard ground, towards the sun towards the sea.

here comes the tide.

here, i go.


the only rusty tumble weed

the cold salty winters have eaten you up

people point and laugh


because you are ugly?

not to me

despite your aches

you love to breath out on the winding hillside.

and the sleek young, smart ones passing you, smugly.

you glance out to sea, and a calm smiles stretches across your hood

and your windshield reflects the warmth of the sun.

hot grapefruit, a surrealist movie review.

we were outside in the cold, grasping onto ice particles of breath as we sniffled over the strait of juan de fuca.

the sun sprayed through the sky, staining us with its lemon hue.

the deafening crack of freedom snapped at us like a cat of nine tails.

our eyes and ears had been filled in favor of this new movie, like pastels melted into a warm smelling honey pot.

it was such a beautiful day, even with the shrill cold sticking into us like glass.

we had coffee, numerous coffee's, tubs full, and we swam in them, trying to warm up.

we even went into the theatre and stomached the majority of that pastel thick cloud of grapefruit rain that sprayed into our eyes, burning any ambition to object and eject ourselves from its spraining effects. though after turning my head to see the citrus ape sitting on cody's eyeballs, I knew something had to be done.

though the fear of ridicule for not enjoying, or understanding this movie wanted me to stay in my seat, my better judgement reminded me that if I left the theatre, perhaps someone would spit on me or I would see an old couple being cute and I would feel better about myself in that experience, at least.





getting home

through the long story of text message, we have spots of poetry.

yesterday 15:54.

"I got lost in the trees.

it was green and infinite in there.

I met a woman and her dog, Lynda and chipper,

she a fabric forming artist, he a golden retriever.

they showed me a path.

she was tired.

I met a german man in his yard.


he was carrying a ladder and let me use his driveway to find my way home.

I still feel lost, its a soft high."

it's been nice sharing with you, friend.




I've pushing my toes into soft mud

I've been drinking the sap

I've been smoking

"cough'' "cough",


licking my lips and sucking my teeth

I've been standing on top of short buildings

with trees that stand tall around me , their cousins keeping me warm.

I've been in the tub, drinking coffee

eating cake in bed.

I've been running,

stumbling, my fingers through hair.

I've been dancing with the light coming through my window, sent from stars that don't exist

I've been naked on the road and sitting in the garden with the dead leaves.

I've been so close to the bottom of the earth, where the air is cold and pure

planting trees on the ice fields, where they don't grow or die.

I've been embalmed with love, and it keeps me warm.

the dead animals, and memories of the dead.



today is a perfect day.

the morning is past

but ever present

now midday

I found a sunny spot on the café patio

the sun which was warming me

has tucked into the trees

sip hot cider


cooling now.

I love this slow simplicity.

this is the feeling of soft tissue.

running my hand along the curved railing of the staircase

my feet follow one another without worry

my fingers want only to be running

and as i put both feet on the floor

I'm set against that moving sky

the movement in winter

the cold air on skin

and heat, which is momentary

a blanket of warmth

the heartbeat in the palm

the tingle of words

a soft forest seeking sunlight

the rainfall keeps us here.


magnets and postcards.

there is some food in it too, but really, not much.

I figure I could survive off of corn meal and rice.

but I desire excitement.

so in my fridge

there are many books,

i don't have a shelf

and the space is there

for a cool read.

think twice, its not alright


because we've been led to

we've been wrong

question your motives

question your heart

question the way you look at a woman.

i'm sorry i have been a poor example

i'm sorry that we accept our behaviour

there is a sickness that smothers our minds

yes it's natural to have sexual desire,

but is it not natural to have respect?


for women and ourselves?

those with someone in your life,

be true to them.

those without,

be true to them.

be careful with your eyes

be careful with your thoughts

it's a hard realisation,

question what you hear, what you read,

our heroes

our influences

practice love.

change is good.

i want my new little niece to grow up in a safer and better world.

i want her to know equality as a norm.

i want her to know of fear but not live in it.