think twice, its not alright


because we've been led to

we've been wrong

question your motives

question your heart

question the way you look at a woman.

i'm sorry i have been a poor example

i'm sorry that we accept our behaviour

there is a sickness that smothers our minds

yes it's natural to have sexual desire,

but is it not natural to have respect?


for women and ourselves?

those with someone in your life,

be true to them.

those without,

be true to them.

be careful with your eyes

be careful with your thoughts

it's a hard realisation,

question what you hear, what you read,

our heroes

our influences

practice love.

change is good.

i want my new little niece to grow up in a safer and better world.

i want her to know equality as a norm.

i want her to know of fear but not live in it.