

I've pushing my toes into soft mud

I've been drinking the sap

I've been smoking

"cough'' "cough",


licking my lips and sucking my teeth

I've been standing on top of short buildings

with trees that stand tall around me , their cousins keeping me warm.

I've been in the tub, drinking coffee

eating cake in bed.

I've been running,

stumbling, my fingers through hair.

I've been dancing with the light coming through my window, sent from stars that don't exist

I've been naked on the road and sitting in the garden with the dead leaves.

I've been so close to the bottom of the earth, where the air is cold and pure

planting trees on the ice fields, where they don't grow or die.

I've been embalmed with love, and it keeps me warm.

the dead animals, and memories of the dead.