with a beard you could start a family in.
a man with a soft heart and a heavy hug.
today is the day of the pigeon,
see him on the roof top
ruffling his feathers and searching,
searching for a place to fly.
eyes scan the sky,
there are many birds out there.
soaring. swooping. migrating.
it’s just that time of year.
my friend.
what birds are we.
flying around, sometimes aimless,
a solid perch, a nice warm nest,
and on. up, over, down. through the trees
and to the water. I find myself a shorebird now,
scanning the coast, sitting on rocks and cawing at the open ocean.
I know you still search, rock dove.
and I hope you find your wintering nest,
maybe a cabin in the snowy mountains, with the chic a dees.
maybe a hut in the trees off a desolate lake, with the great owls.
maybe you’ll find warmth in a city, up high, with the other pigeons,
wherever you land dear friend, I look forward to knowing of your comfort, contentment and warmth.
be well on this day pigeon. and on all others.
you are loved.