first off, again, THANK YOU.
ok,lets go.
OH DEAR, these toes are hairless and the metal in my ankle just became polar.
the water was so clear almost non existent, but we felt it.
how we felt it.
we’re not made for these frigid submersions, but how we try.
and what success.
the sea floor rolling like foothills below our glide, dip.
the tropical chill and wool warmth.
observing the splendor of this new landscape cluttered with sand dollars
swaying plant life and snorting mammals.
scales as feathers, trying for flight.
slow moving snails with funny top hats and fluttering flat fish.
(mmmm alliteration, lets take a moment to soak up these salty sounds)
which we did, scrambling across those submerged and slippery, sharp rocks.
AH! back to the boat. (just getting the feeling into the right foot now.)
we managed, ahoy, a beach there! row your boat ashore, HALLELUJAH!
(with sand squishy and warm)
seeing those eyes of yours, shining with joy.
your reflection, here.
foggy days, so bright.
paradise by any other place, could not be the same.