how to write a great novel

wake up in the middle of the night

blow your nose

go back to bed

sweat through the hours

half sleep

get up again at 5 am

drink hot liquids

eat eggs

dream about your success

make it colourful and witty

eat a banana

use google

change your underwear frequently

change all your passwords

make a word document

lay down a little

smoke something

stare out the window


find a nice pace

pace yourself

drink something over 80 proof

make some notes

make friends with the delete key

go outside

go for a walk

make friends outside

go to someones house for dinner

who you have just met

let them talk and talk

eat as much as you can

go home satisfied

you’ve got it now,

you’ve got the feeling

the momentum

the drive and desire

you’re a genius

you’ve got a head cold

you’re delirious

go back to bed

sweat through the hours,

poor troubled genius.