addiction adoption.

it is uncommon to try to write something at this hour, 11:18 am on friday when the air has more water in it than the sea, when those with better judgement have been up most the night and are now,  still asleep. 

but i have a reason for my awakening each day.


coffee coffee

coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee

coffee coffee coffee coffee.



oooohh " he loves his coffee" you'll say with a smile. oh and how much you love it too, "ah" you'll say, "i do love my coffee too, i'v gotta have it. every morning, everyday. three in the morning and one every hour or so. mmmmmmmmm, coffee"

maybe you like to drink it, with a cigarette, yes, keeps you regular hmmm? or you'll have it after dinner with some chocolate. espresso, americano, latte, cafe au lait, and all this other fandanglement. 

so i'v decided to start my day with a glass of whiskey, keeps me sharp.

whiskey whiskey whiskey whiskey!

scotch, rye, hooch, bourbon

bourbon bourbon bourbon.



whiskey. and tomorrow rum.

goes well with a cigarette. keeps me regular. every day every hour and sometimes i'll wake up and have a quick snap to keep the nice dreams moving.

hell, i even put it in my coffee.

"ooooooh" we'll all say, lips pursed "he's an alcoholic. "