bad sickness for three days. stomach has mutinied and is trying to gain control of my legs. no work, no pay, no energy. a lot of things happening but what to write about? my all weather friend and mud brother clayton "big wing" pigeon has flew the coop in a coup d'etat of his long mooring in alberta and from what i hear he has joined the rebels just south of us for a quick torch toss across george washington's fell mast. dragging anchor in the land of ports, where he most likely shot numerous water foul, he found himself quickly ripe for flying, now he is sitting break side on some foggy beach sipping rum and eating pineapple. actually knowing the pigeon he's most likely on top of a volcano heading a tour of bohemian bride's maids. all in all i wish i were sandwiched somewhere between the maid of honor and the sympathy dress, with a good view of the bearded wizard and his talking hands. god speed fellow. you're a champion conductor in fore and hind sight.
***bad news from shore: i'm still on it. good news from shore: lots of lovely birds here, humans too. haven't had the canoe out for a fort night and it saddens me to see it belly up on my lawn, which needs cutting. no time. nope, readers must be pleased, and the many they are. thanks you three.
your friend in arms,
and at home,
next month maybe a chapter on sylvan lake graffiti.